Last year when Karen at My Desert Cottage hosted the first where Bloggers Create it was so fun hopping from blog to blog and learning about the spaces where people in blogland create. I had never intended to have a blog of my own but here I am blogging and enjoying it. When Karen started blogging about Where Bloggers Create II, I signed up right away, I knew that would give me a deadline for getting my creative space organized . My interest in embroidery and crochet began at an early age, my Mother and two Grandmothers all crocheted. My Grandmothers and one of my Aunts were embroiderers. I am left handed so it was always a challenge for anyone to try to teach me handwork. I did my first embroidery from a kit that my Aunt Becky bought me when I was 13 years old. I found that it was easier for me to learn by reading the directions and looking at the pictures in an embroidery book. That was the beginning of my need to have a project of some kind going most of the time.
Sewing is something else that I have always enjoyed. I made doll clothes for years by hand until my Mom bought me a sewing machine when I was about 14. I used that machine for many years, I even made my wedding dress on that machine. It would only go one direction, forward, no reverse but I loved using that old machine.
Over the years I have stored my "stuff" in many different places and used the dining room table for projects.
Now that our children are grown and have homes of their own, we have the room for my special creating space. It is not quite completed, with everything painted as I hope it will be some day, but I can say that it is organized. I know where everything is and that feels great!
I hope you enjoy taking a peek at my space to create.
Up the stairs and turn to the left
Welcome Jars of buttons, sorted by colors
The view from the door
I started on the right and will travel around the room
Closer view of the work space
My resting chair with the cat I made for my Mom many years ago

My crocheted pin cushions and old lace on wooden spool
Tomatoes made by my sister Lynda.
Lynda made the card too.
Applique quilt blocks (ten more to make after these) and redwork
My Grandmother's shawl draped over my chair
The green work table was the first table my Grandfather built for my Grandma back in the 1920's
Grandpa seemed to like green paint.
This old trunk is great for storage
My "inspiration" board. I just put whatever I want on it, it is ever changing.
Old sewing items

Old lace, paper rose, and a bird made by Rebecca Ersfeld
A couple of my crocheted buddies and parts for more in the basket.
Jars are great for storage. I have several sewing baskets throughout the room.
More organized stuff, the drawers are labeled, I do forget where I put things sometimes so having those labels is helpful.
These drawers still need labels.
Here we are, we have traveled all around the room, the door is to the left of this dresser. The dolls with the crocheted outfits were made by my Grandmother many years ago, I have several patterns for these dolls.
I have never been a designer, I usually use a pattern created by someone else and try to add a little something of my own to it. I do love to make things. Many of the items I make are used for gifts and that is part of the blessing my creating gives me.
These are some of the things I have made or am working on. The cross-stitch all hangs in our home and the quilt tops will be gifts some day soon. The crocheted bag is not quite complete, and the embroidered pillow sits on our bed. There is a croceted bedspread hiding underneath that I worked on of and on for about 10 years.
I am thankful for a husband and family who have always been supportive of my need to be creative.
I enjoy spending time in my special creative space and I hope you enjoyed visiting here with me.