Friday, November 29, 2019

November Goal - JOY

If you are like me many of you are thinking, "where did the month of November go?"and "Christmas is going to be here before we know it!"  It has been a busy month here in my sewing room.  I did complete my JOY banner.  I can't remember when it was begun and it was a snap to complete so I am able to check another project off my list.

I also want to share one of the quilts completed this month.

 Village Quilt is complete and has gone home with our daughter in law, Lyndie.

It has been good working on projects and completing them.  I also have been working on some secret sewing for Christmas gifts.  I will take pictures and share them before passing them on to Pat to do the wrapping, he has graciously taken on that job these past few years.  

We have much to be thankful for.  We spent Thanksgiving here at home with one of our daughters and one of our sons and their families.  Because of Pat's health we made the decision not to travel to Atlanta to spend Thanksgiving with our son and his family.  We know it was the right decision but missed them and the traditions we have made there.   It is also the first year without my sweet sister Becky who went home to be the Lord in early December, last year.  Life is ever changing and so full of daily blessings, we just have to keep our eyes and hearts open to them.
Happy Creating!
I will be linking to One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts and 
2019 UFO & WIP Challenge at The Crafty Quilter.


  1. Nice banner Sherry and your village houses look great. xx

  2. Love that quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
