A few weeks ago my grandaughter Lily turned 7.
Lily and her mother Julie planned a tea party using the Fancy Nancy Tea Parties book by Jane O'Conner. Lily has a Fancy Nancy doll and enjoys the Fancy Nancy books.
I wasn't able to be there for Lily's Party because they do not live close by. Lily told me about the party on the phone and she was so excited and it sounds like they all had a wonderful time. I want to share some of the pictures of the table setting for the tea party.

Colorful paper flowers, star shaped jello, pretty pink plates,lace paper doilies.
I love the bright colors.
The marshmallow and sucker place cards are great
Everything is ready for the party to begin
The cupcakes look yummy
Miss Lily blowing out her candle
I know that my daughter Julie worked hard to make this party special for Lily and her friends and they will all
remember what fun they had for a very long time.
Lily told me all about the little girl who won the pin the flower on the teapot game.
She pinned her flower almost exactly where it belonged.
It is so great that we can share photographs so quickly and celebrate with others from a distance.
Lily and Julie dressed for the party
Among the pictures I received is one of Lily and her brothers at Easter i just have to share.
Sammy, Tony and Lily
Aren't they just adorable!
I plan to link this post to Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch.