Sunday, May 1, 2011

May For Me!

A blogging friend named Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks and her friend Marcia at Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting had this idea for what they call May for Me!

Tonya wrote "I have found with many of us that we give, give, give ---and never take time for us!"
Marcia and Tonya will be posting helpful tips, projects and ideas.
Tonya is sharing a Mystery Quilt Stitch-a-long which I plan to participate in.
Marcia has a giveaway, beautiful note cards on her May for Me post here.
 Marcia describes May for Me this way, she says
Take a break
Enjoy quiet moments
Smell the roses
Sew stuff you want to sew
Take time for yourself
She calls them "Minutes for Me!"

My plans for May include
1. Finish sewing our living room curtains.
2. Sew and complete Tonya's Mystery Quilt.
3. Keep up with the Block of the Month projects
4.  Keep working to eat better and exercise more,
Emmy (our dog) and I are going to make our walks longer.
5.  Complete cross-stitch project I began in March while on vacation.
6. I would love to weed all of my flower beds, the weather must cooperate because I don't want to freeze while doing this.

I have several other ideas in my mind but I think I should keep the list reasonable, don't you?


  1. Reasonable is good. :) I think we all might have a very long list if we weren't being reasonable. Good luck with your plans!!

  2. You have a great...and very reasonable list!
